Terms of Use

By signing up for use of cyberriskguru, you accept and agree to these terms of use. It is therefore important that you read and understand these terms. If you do not consent, you should refrain from register with cyberriskguru.

About cyberriskguru

cyberriskguru is a service developed and provided by Parsec Software AS. The service is currently available at cyberriskguru.com. Other platforms may be added. The purpose of cyberriskguru is to help users to improve cyber risk and security skills and their ability to protect digital assets by various tools and learning mechanisms.

Using our services
The services is intended for your personal or professional use. By using our services you agree to the following:

(a) Your account is personal and may not be transferred or used by someone else;
(b) You are responsible for managing and storing your user credentials, such as username, password and other means of authentication, in a secure manner.

Parsec Software AS is not in any way responsible for any loss or damage caused by unauthorised access to your account or use of your credentials. Should you learn of or suspect any unauthorised use of your account, you must immediately report this to abuse@cyberriskguru.com

(c) All of the data registered and processed by you is accurate and yours;

(d) You are responsible for all activities on your account and all the information that is provided and created under you personal account;

(e) Automated data consistency checks are run and may, if applicable, lead to corrections or removal of information records identified as abnormal and/or bearing signs of account misuse;

(f) Account misuse and violation of these terms may lead to account and membership termination without any refund of fees you may have paid;

(g) cyberriskguru is not intended for persons under the age of 15. If you are under this age you should not sign up for and use the service;

(h) You are not allowed to engage in any commercial activities, advertise and/or provide hints on commercial activities elsewhere, such as linking to material outside the service;

(i) You must not engage in any unlawful activities using the service, including but not limited to, contributing to racial hatred, defamation, harassment, or child pornography;

Your account
You can at any time choose to cancel your account at your convenience. We respect the right to be forgotten, therefore you are presented with an option to delete all your records when you cancel your account. 

Membership subscription
The membership model is subscription-based. You get extended access to cyberriskguru services and content during the time your subscription is valid, which is subject to the following terms.

All subscriptions with calinut are paid in advance 
You may at any time terminate your membership, in which case your access will prevail for the remainder of the paid period. Parsec Software AS reserves the right to change the subscription fees from time to time.

Intellectual property
All rights in and to the services, including any trademarks, service marks, trade names and copyrighted content presented within the service are the sole property of Parsec Software AS. You agree to not use our intellectual property for any other purposes except for your use of the service unless required otherwise by applicable mandatory law. By submitting your data (hereafter referred to as "user material") to cyberriskguru you warrant and represent that you hold the copyright, trademark and/or other intellectual property rights to your content. You agree to grant Parsec Software AS a non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, worldwide license to user material to the extend necessary for cyberriskguru to operate and maintain the service. This license shall remain valid until the respective user material is deleted from the service by you or by service operators according with these terms. 

Disclaimer and limitation of liability
You use the cyberriskguru at your own risk. The services offered by cyberriskguru is provided as-is, without any warranties, and Parsec Software AS does not warrant that the service and availability thereof will be uninterrupted or error-free. Parsec Software AS does not assume any responsibility for errors or omissions in the information or software or other documents, including user material, which is referenced by or linked to. References or links to third parties' websites are provided as-is, without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. Under no circumstances shall Parsec Software AS be liable for any indirect or consequential damages, except in cases of intentional misconduct or gross negligence. To the maximum extent permitted under applicable law, Parsec Software AS' aggregated liability for any direct damages shall be limited to the lesser of (i) membership fees paid by the user; (ii) membership fees paid by the user during the previous calendar year; or (iii) €300.

For the sake of clarity, Parsec Software AS does not undertake the obligation to monitor the contents of user material. You are not entitled to assign your rights and/or obligations under these terms or use of the service to any third party without Parsec Software AS' prior written consent. Parsec Software AS is entitled to assign its rights and/or obligations under these terms. Parsec Software AS reserves the right to refuse the service to anyone for any reason at any time. These terms may also be revised from time to time and the most current version will always be available from within the mobile application and through our web sites. Any and all material changes shall come into effect between you and Parsec Software AS upon your acceptance of such changes.

Governing law and dispute resolution
These terms and the use of the services are governed by the laws of Norway, except for its conflicts of laws principles. All claims arising out of or relating to these terms or the service shall be resolved by the Norwegian public courts, whereby the District Court of Follo shall be the court of the first instance.

Contact details
For further information, inquiries or assistance you may contact us at Parsec Software AS. Customer service is available in ways specified on the web site or in the mobile application. The channels for support might differ from time-to-time.

Parsec Software AS

Vardeveien 41, 1555 Son, Norway
